About B.L.A.C.K.
B.L.A.C.K., the Black Luxury Alliance for Cultivated Kids, is a minority founded entity, based in Downtown Detroit. B.L.A.C.K. increases mobility of the mind for young people ages 10-18, through exposure to an array of luxury environments and experiences. Our mission is to instill a greater sense of identity and self-worth, eradicate imposter syndrome, cultivate resilience, and attain high levels of personal achievement through the understanding of how the brain works.
Our industry topics and programming focus on tech in 4 main areas, AR/VR, Design (Fashion, Art, & Architecture), Robotics and AI, and Flight (Aerospace, VR Simulation Drone Licensing, et al.)
Disguised as a passport to a life of luxury, our S.T.E.E.A.M. program incorporates basic principles and concepts from neuroscience, visualization techniques, and goal setting activities to demonstrate how they can overcome negative environments, engineer their own, and truly make their dreams come true.
For partnership and sponsorship inquiries please email Kellie Crawford at Kellie@tasteoftech.io.
Taste of Tech: Detroit Draft Edition
Taste of Tech is a forward-thinking, family-friendly, tech-centric small showcase taking place in Detroit during NFL Draft weekend. This dynamic, experience, is a vibrant display of the intersection of sports, tech, art, and culture.
Taste of Tech serves as a beacon to young people, illuminating exciting, new career pathways in tech, sparking the next generation of future innovators in and beyond sports.
This event will be used to give a “taste” of the work we do and an opportunity to support us in fundraising for our upcoming events. Our goal is to inspire underserved youth to dream big and stay rooted in Detroit, while showcasing how tech intertwines with the industries they adore.
For partnership and sponsorship inquiries please email Kellie Crawford at Kellie@tasteoftech.io.
Check out our pitch to Netflix, “Big Axel meets Little Axel!” If you know anyone there, feel free to share!

What is Newlab?
B.L.A.C.K is proud to work out of the beautiful Newlab @ Michigan Central with other amazing startups and rich black and brown founder community that supports Taste of Tech programming.
Housed in the former Detroit Public Schools book depository, Newlab at Michigan Central, now stands reincarnated as the Detroit headquarters of Newlab, a global innovation centre that provides prototyping labs and purpose-built workspaces for its community of members. The new space will eventually house hundreds of entrepreneurs, inventors and companies focused on next-generation solutions in mobility.
Newlab at Michigan Central will create a center of gravity for startups, entrepreneurs, engineers and scientists to build breakthrough companies in Detroit. Building on its success in Brooklyn, Newlab is scaling its model of applied innovation to create the conditions for a sustainable high-tech startup ecosystem to take hold in the region.

About A Taste of Tech
Taste of Tech is B.L.A.C.K.’s series of marquee, immersive experiences that provide youth a unique opportunity to get a “taste” of many areas of tech across many industries, within an environment that fuses various aspects of luxury, art, tech, and culture for maximum engagement. Creating rich, culturally relevant experiences around tech provides a true reflection of the influence, impact, and contribution that black and brown communities make in, on, and through tech.
Taste of Tech immersive experiences not only reinforces B.L.A.C.K.’s mission of instilling a high sense of self-worth and identity through the exposure of new environments and careers in tech, it strips away those initial barriers of entry to the tech pipeline through the power of proper representation.
A Big Thank you to our Sponsors!

Join the Alliance
Join us in the mission of renewing and expanding the minds and possibilities of our brown and black youth. If you’d like to support the programming and mission of B.L.A.C.K. Please donate below. All donations are tax deductible through our fiscal sponsor and partner, the Steen Foundation, a 501c3 organization. Thank you so much for your support!